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How Long Should You Do Physical Therapy After A Knee Replacement?

Deciding to undergo knee replacement surgery is rarely an easy decision. Most patients who choose to do so feel that they have run out of options to decrease their knee pain. That is why it is so important to have a rehabilitation plan following the surgery. At United Rehab Hands On Physical Therapy, our team will help get your knee back to full strength. Through the use of physical therapy in Ronkonkoma, you’ll mitigate any complications that occur once the surgery has been completed.

Issues To Watch For

Our team wants to stress to our patients that their knee will not automatically be fixed once the joint has been replaced. You’ll need to play an active role in the rehabilitation process to help prevent some common issues that come along with operations such as this one. Examples of what sessions of physical therapy in Ronkonkoma can help mitigate and manage include:

  • Development of scar tissue.

  • Muscular atrophy (in rare and extreme cases).

  • Limited flexibility.

  • Functionality problems.

  • Copious amounts of pain.

Exercises During Physical Therapy In Ronkonkoma

Physical therapy is an activity-based form of treatment that utilizes a mixture of stretches and strengthening exercises. When it comes to physical therapy sessions in Ronkonkoma, our team will perform a full assessment of your knee to determine what level of physical output your surgically removed knee can produce. Below are some of the exercises that can help with your recovery:

  • Knee straightening stretch.

  • Knee bending stretch.

  • Ankle pumps.

  • Thigh squeezes.

  • Leg slides.

How Long Will Physical Therapy Last?

The exact amount of sessions required to make a full recovery will vary from patient to patient. However, if you thought that one course of physical therapy in Ronkonkoma would correct everything, you are mistaken. Although the activities you’ll be able to complete will vary as time goes on, it will take between 3 to 6 months for your knee to regain full functionality. Rest assured that our team will be there to offer care and support throughout the entire process.

Contact Us

Before deciding to undergo a surgical procedure, be sure you have a qualified team to help with your rehabilitation afterward. At United Rehab Hands On Physical Therapy, we’ll create the perfect regimen on physical therapy in Ronkonkoma that will help get your knee back to full strength. To learn more about this process, feel free to contact us today.


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