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The Most Common Sports Injuries

Injuries in sports can feel debilitating but are a widespread occurrence for athletic activity. Just because they happen to be expected in the field doesn’t mean that we can’t help you recover, and you can become a stronger athlete through physical therapy and strengthening. At United Rehab Physical Therapy, our Physical Therapy in Commack pushes you to strengthen yourself holistically instead of just trying to work off the injury or ailment you may have come across as an athlete.


Athletic activity can be taxing on the body. Because of how the musculoskeletal system forms, develops and reshapes, long-time athletic training will cause injuries if not properly prevented. That activity can start to damage specific bodily structures. Our Physical Therapy in Commack recommends some of their best injury prevention for specific sports therapy to strengthen yourself for your particular sport while correcting muscles and movements that should be corrected for proper movement and form during activity.


Understanding Sports Injuries


If you’re looking for quality information on the types of most common sports-related injuries as well as information on how to treat and prevent them, then you’ve come to the right place. Our Physical therapy in Commack has worked with some of the hardest working patrons and athletes to give you the best general guidance on properly handling your sports-related injury.


That being said, the specialists from our physical therapy center in Commack have accumulated some of the most common sports-related injuries and some ways to prevent said injuries and how to treat them. Please remember that there are some injuries that are more acute and may take more research to properly treat them. That’s why we recommend seeing one of our specialists at our physical therapy branch in Commack. 


We Can Treat


We offer quality care that is pinpoint accurate when it comes to diagnosis and proper treatment of any particular ailment. It may be harder to treat ailments less common in the athletic world, especially without legitimate medical attention. Stop by our Physical therapy in Commack to consult and diagnose some ailment that has been worrying that may or may not appear on the list below:

  • Strains - One of the most common ailments that plague all walks of athletic life are strains. Muscles are at risk of stretching more than they should, and as a result, the damage and over-tearing of muscles result in the pain associated with a strain. Strains have the symptoms of inflammation near the root of the injury as well as a pain that is akin to an overly sore muscle. Strains can be solved through ample rest and recovery along with hydration and icing the afflicted area. The severity of strain is important as that can direct you toward needing further assistance from 

  • Sprains - The connective tissue from bone to bone is known as a ligament and is one of the focal points used in basic, everyday movement. When overused, most ligament starts to form small tears and is cause for significant injury in sports due to the tearing while exerting yourself during play. The best way to help a sprain is compression, as it draws blood to the base of the injury and offers support as it heals. The more support the injury has, the better it will come back for it to heal stronger.

  • Tennis elbow - Though the name includes tennis, the ailment rings true across multiple sports and arm activity platforms. The tennis elbow injury is onset by repetition of the same motion repeatedly, causing specific places in the elbow tearing due to lack of training the weaker parts of the elbow to be stronger. This is best treated by working with opposite parts that are stronger in the elbow and can also be used in a physical therapy setting.


Best Physical Therapy in Commack


From this, we have learned how to properly implement preventative measures into training to avoid some of the most common sports-related injuries. When you need Physical Therapy in Commack, contact us. Our Team at United Rehab Physical Therapy is eager to treat your sports injury. 

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Even the best professional athletes get injured from time to time. Depending on the type of training they partake in and how much they exert themselves on the field. You deserve to be educated and treated like the professional athletes you see on the big screen, and at United Rehab Physical Therapy, we’ll care for you like one!


Understanding the most common sports-related injuries and how they can happen is important when competing in a sport at any level! Our Physical therapy in Commack not only delivers high-quality service to all our patrons, but we also provide them with vital information that allows them to prevent further injury while participating in rigorous activities.


While there are many different ways to treat sport-dependent injuries to allow the most high-quality play from any specific athlete, our therapists at United Rehab can also provide general care tips and guidance for all of our patrons and potential patrons! 

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