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Physical Therapy For Common Shoulder Injuries

Your shoulders are the joints that connect the humerus, scapula, and collarbone. These bones are held together by a group of tendons and muscles, creating the rotator cuff. The pain you are currently experiencing can have many causes, so be sure to stop by and seek physical therapy in Commack to relieve the pain. 


Shoulder injuries are the worst. They limit so much movement in your upper body that lifting regular household items becomes a chore. Some injuries are more severe than others, and you should seek immediate medical attention to correct it; these injuries include:

  • The shoulder joint looks deformed 

  • There is no movement in the shoulder at all

  • Extreme pain

  • Sudden swelling

  • Shooting pains down your arm

  • The arm is weak/numb


These types of injuries should be examined immediately to see if any underlying issues caused it. Thankfully, most shoulder injuries are more miles and just more of a significant nuisance. These types of injuries include:

  • Dislocation: when the top of your arm may pop

  • Separation: Directly impacts the joint where your collarbone and shoulder blade come together

  • Fracture: A break or crack in one of the surrounding bones. 

  • Rotator cuff tear: There is A group of muscles and tendons that hold your arm in place. The most likely ways someone can tear their rotator cuff is by repetitive motions and taking a big hit or high fall. 


Repetitive motions are more likely to cause wear and tear; that is why increasing your range of motion through the use of physical therapy will not only alleviate the pain but fix the root cause. 


  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (TENS, IFT, EMS) to reduce pain & muscle spasm.

  • Cryotherapy/Cold Compression Therapy to reduce pain & inflammation.

  • Moist heat to reduce pain, muscle spasm, & muscle tightness.

  • Ultrasound Therapy to reduce pain, inflammation, swelling and promote healing.


The process of physical therapy includes home workouts and making sure that your shoulder is improving every day. Be sure to rest, ice compress, and elevate to reduce the pain and swelling. From here, you will most likely incorporate some of the following exercises to improve your functionality while you are not receiving physical therapy in Commack. 


A proven stretch for the shoulder is the doorway stretch. The doorway stretch starts with you standing in an open doorway and spreading your arms out to the side. Then grip the sides of the doorway and lean forward until you feel a slight stretch in the shoulders. 


You will also most likely be doing high-to-low rows. This is an exercise where you will attach a resistance band to something sturdy at shoulder height. From there, you will get down on one knee so that the knee opposite your injured arm is raised. Be sure that your body and lowered knee are aligned to get quality reps. Pull the band towards your body and squeeze each rep. Repeat with three sets of 10.


Your primary physician or surgeon is almost guaranteed to prescribe your physical therapy after having shoulder surgery. With recommendations from surgeons, United Rehab will create a custom therapy plan for you to get the most out of your exercise. You are also likely to experience pre-physical therapy as well as post-surgery. Suppose your physician determines that you do not require surgery for your injury. In that case, you can expect a heavier load of physical therapy with an emphasis on resting at home to increase your shoulder's strength. 


Physical therapy can be an advantageous process, especially when it comes to shoulder injuries. Your functionality, range of motion, and strength will all increase after completing your prescribed regime. Seek out physical therapy in Commack today and receive the top care on the island!


Frequently other areas around where you are injured can be affected even though they were not the original injury. With a shoulder injury, you can expect some physical therapy exercises to include your arms and backs. They are the most likely areas of the body to be affected by a shoulder injury. Back and arm pain are the most common because those are the bones/muscles that work closely to operate your shoulder properly. It is possible to not have some pain directly in the back or arms to stem from the shoulder even though that may not be your obvious source of the pain.


Physical therapy aims to resolve impairments, whether that be a pain, stiffness, muscle tightness, etc. And to improve functionality, sit, stand, walk, lift, push, pull, etc. Utilizing modern techniques, United Rehab will use the following not just to treat the symptoms you are experiencing but the root cause of the injury to help you along your healing journey: 

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